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Disney characters are one exception to this. The Walt Disney Company, which owns the rights to the flicks, has a strict "no-enhancing" policy when the anime is aired abroad. However, censorship on Japanese TV is an unlucky truth, but it is an unlucky side effect of the country's strict censorship laws. Self-censorship by porn companiesJapan's police currently arrested five porn movie manufacturers and a member of the self-censorship group for the adult film industry. Japanese law has long prohibited the e-book of pornographic images that reveal human genitalia. To combat this challenge, adult film and journal makers have formed industry associations that impose self-censorship. The self-censorship groups blur out human genitalia with mosaic styles. The Naked Director features dark, emotional scenes related to a man manipulating a girl to perform sex on camera. Muranishi convinced the actress to do it by pretending it was a joke and promising to take the autumn if the police came after them. The creation of real sex to Japanese porn is meant to get rid of the cultural stigma in opposition t human sexuality it really is linked to the Japanese leisure industry. Despite its arguable nature, self-censorship by Japanese porn businesses may actually help the industry grow.

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