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Others have included a traditional fairy tale. These movies characteristic women in revealing outfits who make audience are looking to lick their lips. Sexy movies with sexy girls can range from light-hearted romantic comedies to erotic thrillers. The best way to decide upon a sexy movie is to discuss the subject together with your partner. Not only do the films ought to be enjoyable for both of you, but the genre itself can have a significant turn-on effect. In some cases, movies which are viewed scary can in reality be probably the most seductive. One of the most iconic sexy films with sexier women is the 2004 romantic drama The Notebook. Based on Nicholas Sparks' novel of the same name, this movie is a tale of severe love among Noah and Allie. Starring Rachel McAdams and Ryan Gosling, this movie is a basic in the genre. Another sexy film with sexy girls is Body Heat. Adapted from Milan Kundera's classic novel, this film has a sensually philosophical look at concepts.
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